Industry Case Study: Figueroa Ave. Water Pollution Control Plant Yuma, AZ.
Situation: Four Aeration Basins in this aging facility were suffering from cracks, spalling, and fractured concrete on the interior and exterior and were badly in need of repair. To keep the plant in operation only 2 basins could be shut down at a time.
Challenges: Because the basins could not be shut down and emptied until just prior to our mobilizing it was difficult to estimate the number of materials & labor that would be required. The project was to start in August when temperatures were reaching 115° making it very difficult to work with epoxies. The project had to be completed during the time limits of the scheduled shutdown.
Solutions: The amounts and types of repairs needed were estimated from an earlier shutdown and adjusted as the work began. AZRM worked closely with the engineer and product manufacturer to develop a repair system that would be utilized in high heat. By working closely with the general contractor & scheduling work around others, and by working some long days we were able to complete the repair work prior to the required start-up date.
Conclusion: The repairs were completed ahead of schedule on both phase 1 and phase 2 shutdowns. Both the general contractor and the owner were very pleased with the repairs, safety awareness, and completion time.